BCI Group

Building a user-friendly, modern website to empower communication efforts

Bob’s Red Mill team group photo


You’re probably aware of the reputation of Northwest brands like Burgerville and Bob’s Red Mill for their commitment to employee benefits. But you might not know about the company behind those benefits plans. BCI Group helps some of the best employers in the Northwest with group benefits, retirement plans, business planning and employee education.

Content Strategy Starting From The Ground Up

When our friends at Portland storytelling agency Conveyor called on us to partner with them to create a new branding and services website for BCI, we were excited to help. The new site needed to reorganize the basic information, shifting away from dated, SEO focused, long format presentation. Most importantly, it needed to showcase BCI’s client stories and thought leadership in a way that left the user with no question about BCI’s expertise.

Spotlight On The Story

Working with the Conveyor team, we started by restructuring the sitemap built around smarter content. Wireframes cemented the customer stories as the centerpiece. The Daylight development team noticed an opportunity early on for a Customer Stories module in the CMS. This allowed for rich media and enticing content to be displayed throughout the final website, while easily edited in a central location.

BCI’s website custom options

Adding The Spice To The Message

BCI’s old website had all the necessary details, but it lacked user engagement. To create better flow, we designed custom illustrations for each of the services to help them stand out. We designed pages with larger font sizes, more headlines and stronger, branded typefaces. Then we divided the content into sections and pushed the fine print into detail pages to give the most central messages more room to breathe.

Built To Be Driven

With BCI’s strong blogging team and Conveyor’s ongoing storytelling program in place, we knew the BCI site had to be ready for heavy use by multiple content editors. Using the open-source FUEL CMS, we created three unique blog landing pages to showcase different content for BCI’s three areas of expertise. A resources module was developed to manage knowledge articles, tools, events and videos that would continually be published after launch. The result is a website that can grow as BCI grows.

Designed For Mobile

Daylight always focuses on accessibility and responsive presentations for any website we design. Since the BCI site is built for constant content additions, there was an added degree of complexity to the responsive site design and development. We dialed in the type sizes, layout stacking and spacing, on an assortment of devices. Even the CMS received features for mobile devices through the addition of a mobile specific image uploader.

BCI website multiplatform screenshots

From the very first meeting at the Daylight office, we knew that we had landed someplace special. The entire team was attentive, their questions thoughtful, each step detailed and execution was seamless.

Tracy Vicario

Director of Business Development
BCI Group

Happy Customers

We’re very proud of the finished product: a leading-edge branding and services website built for content growth with ease of maintenance and minimal technical assistance. The site is focused on BCI’s client stories and expertise rather than cumbersome lists of services. And the services and details are all presented for a user-friendly experience.

The results are a happy partner and a happy client.


Professional Services

Services we provided

Solution Architecture

UX Design

Design & Creative

Websites & Digital Products